


Knoxville, TN

(Tai Chi is
 BEST when

Get a Banquet ticket and Event T-shirt INCLUDED* with Admission!
(*T-shirt is included with registration before April 30th)

Whether you are a long-time student or brand new to Tai Chi,
there is something special waiting for you at the Clear Tai Chi Family Gathering.
Featuring live workshops with Presenters from all over the United States
(and abroad!), the Gathering is an immersive Tai Chi experience complete with
training sessions for all skill levels, off-the-floor festivities, breakout activities,
and plenty of Tai Chi games!

Join us at the 

Whether you are a long-time student or brand new to Tai Chi,
there is something special waiting for you at the Clear Tai Chi Family Gathering.
Featuring live workshops with Presenters from all over the United States
(and abroad!), the Gathering is an immersive Tai Chi experience complete with
training sessions for all skill levels, off-the-floor festivities, breakout activities,
and plenty of Tai Chi games!

Join us at the 

International Clear Tai Chi Family Gathering
June 6-8, 2025

Hilton at the Knoxville Airport - 2001 Alcoa Hwy

Join the Fun!

Three Days of high quality Tai Chi instruction from Sigung Richard Clear and his top students from around the world!

Come together for a great weekend of fun & learning at Clear Tai Chi's National Headquarters in Maryville TN!

Once Registered- you can attend as many of the events as you want all weekend long!

Help share the Tai Chi Love
right now!

Share the Tai Chi Love!

Sigung Richard Clear has dedicated himself to sharing the indoor, rarely seen skills of Tai Chi Chuan with everyone!

Our organization is growing with skilled and licensed instructors all over the world.

The Clear Tai Chi International Family Gathering is a chance to see many of Certified Instructors in one place, learn directly from them, and meet other Clear Tai Chi students from around the world!

(You can help share the 
Tai Chi Love right now!)


Dinner and Lunch plans are being arranged now, and more information will be provided in the near future

The International Family Gathering is a collection of Tai Chi mini-events, all in one immersive weekend.

This includes demonstrations, mini-workshops,  healing sessions, and push hands play, along with this year's Keynote presentation from Sigung Richard Clear, himself!

Join us for all the festivities, including our Friday Meet-and-Greet, Saturday Banquet, and Sunday Awards Ceremony.


Noon -  6pm : Certified Clear Tai Chi Member School Instructors Only Session with Sigung Clear 
* Requires Certified Member School status or invitation from Sigung Clear
** This session will be at the school, not the Hilton. Go to 113 E Broadway Ave, Maryville, TN

6pm - 7:30pm : Participant Check-In, Meet & Greet, & Push Hands Practice 
**This session begins the events at the Hilton at the Knoxville Airport - 2001 Alcoa Hwy

7:30pm - 9pm : Opening Speech & Demonstrations

9pm - Bedtime: After-hours Push Hands Play


      Noon -  6:00pm – Certified Clear Tai Chi Member School Instructors Only Session with Sigung Clear 
               * Requires Certified Member School status or invitation from Sigung Clear
               ** This session will be at the school, not the Hilton. Go to 113 E Broadway Ave, Maryville, TN

      6:30pm - 7:30pm – Participant Check-In, Meet & Greet, & Push Hands Practice 
               **This session begins the events at the Hilton at the Knoxville Airport - 2001 Alcoa Hwy

      7:30pm - 9:00pm – Opening Speech & Demonstrations

      9:00pm - Bedtime – After-hours Push Hands Play


      Workshop Sessions

9:00am - 10:00am – 
  Standing Practice for 
  Warmups, with Sheila Bell
10:00am - 11:00am – Breath 
  for Health and Healing, with 
  Art Donn
11:00am - 12:00am – Go 
  Fast to Go Slow, with Jim 
12:00am - 1:00pm – Rapid 
  Deployment of Tai Chi 
  Applications, with Harry 
1pm - 2:30pm – Lunch
2:30pm - 3:30pm –  Everyday Applications of Tai    Chi, with Mark Michaud
3:30pm - 4:30pm – Structure    through the Arms, with 
  Jared Voelker
4:30pm - 5:30pm – The            Sweeping Motions of Tai          Chi: Use and Application,        with Sigung Richard Clear
5:30pm - 6:30pm – Free Push Hands Play

6:30pm- 8:00pm : Dinner Banquet + Annual Panel Discussion  -  Get Extra Meal Tickets Here

Panel Discussion Topic:            A roundtable discussion focusing on Elements of the "Tai Chi Lifestyle." Featuring Sifu Clear and several Clear Tai Chi Instructors. 

8:00pm - 9pm : Awards, Presenter Demonstrations

9:00pm - Bedtime : After-hours Push Hands Play


      Workshop Sessions

      9:00am - 10:00am – Standing Practice for Warmups, with Sheila Bell
      10:00am - 11:00am – Breath for Health and Healing, with Art Donn
      11:00am - 12:00am – Go Fast to Go Slow, with Jim Kanter
      12:00am - 1:00pm – Rapid Deployment of Tai Chi Applications, with Harry Legg

      1pm - 2:30pm – Lunch
      2:30pm - 3:30pm – Everyday Applications of Tai Chi, with Mark Michaud
      3:30pm - 4:30pm – Structure through the Arms, with Jared Voelker
      4:30pm - 5:30pm – The Sweeping Motions of Tai Chi: Use and Application, with Sigung Richard Clear
      5:30pm - 6:30pm – Free Push Hands Play

      6:30pm- 8:00pm – Dinner Banquet + Annual Panel Discussion  -  Get Extra Meal Tickets Here
      Panel Discussion Topic:

           A roundtable discussion focusing on Elements of the "Tai Chi Lifestyle." Featuring Sifu Clear
           and several Clear Tai Chi Instructors. 

      8:00pm - 9:00pm – Awards, Presenter Demonstrations

      9pm - Bedtime – After-hours Push Hands Play


      Workshop Sessions

9:00am - 10:00am – Nei  
  Gung: Li to Jin, with Matt 
10:00am - 11:00am –
  Element Theory in Tai Chi, 
  with Phil Coyle
11:00am - 12:00pm – The 
  Fighting Footwork of Tai 
  Chi Chuan, with Ty Talbert
11:00am - 12:00pm – Free 
  Push Hands Play

1pm - 2:30pm – Lunch

2:30pm - 4:30pm – Keynote Address and Workshop with Sigung Richard Clear

4:30pm - 5:00pm:
Remembrance of Teachers and Fallen Heroes, Closing Remarks

5:00pm - 6:15pm : Clear Tai Chi Level 1 Instructor Testing (Requires Additional Testing Fee)

6:15pm - 7:30pm : Clear Internal Push Hands Level 1 Testing (Requires Additional Testing Fee)


      Workshop Sessions

      9:00am - 10:00am – Nei Gung: Li to Jin, with Matt Holker
      10:00am - 11:00am – 5 Element Theory in Tai Chi, with Phil Coyle
      11:00am - 12:00pm – The Fighting Footwork of Tai Chi Chuan, with Ty Talbert
      11:00am - 12:00pm – Free Push Hands Play

      1pm - 2:30pm – Lunch

      2:30pm - 4:30pm – Keynote Address and Workshop with Sigung Richard Clear

      4:30pm - 5:00pm : Remembrance of Teachers and Fallen Heroes, Closing Remarks

      5:00pm - 6:15pm : Clear Tai Chi Level 1 Instructor Testing (Requires Additional Testing Fee)

      6:15pm - 7:30pm : Clear Internal Push Hands Level 1 Testing (Requires Additional Testing Fee)


       Private Lessons + Other Certification Tests:

                  –Limited availability- must schedule in advance. 
                    Please send requests to


Private Lessons + Other Certification Tests:

*Limited availability- must schedule in advance.
Please send requests to


Incoporating Jins in Sticky Hands / Flow Drills

Class day / time: TBD

With such a high demand for the health benefits of the Tai Chi, many schools have lost the fighting spirit and the martial applications of Tai Chi ‘Chuan.’  INTERNAL POWER is the part of what makes Tai Chi Chuan work as a self-defense art. 

In this workshop, we will do a series of training drills designed to put Internal Power in action. We will cover 5 main flow drills and Tai Chi Sticky Hands games to help prepare students of Tai Chi Chuan for its unique fighting style.

Jim Kelly
(Boca Raton, Florida)

Incoporating Jins in Sticky Hands / Flow Drills

with Jim Kelly
(Boca Raton, Florida)

Class day / time: TBD

With such a high demand for the health benefits of the Tai Chi, many schools have lost the fighting spirit and the martial applications of Tai Chi ‘Chuan.’ INTERNAL POWER is the part of what makes Tai Chi Chuan work as a self-defense art.

In this workshop, we will do a series of training drills designed to put Internal Power in action. We will cover 5 main flow drills and Tai Chi Sticky Hands games to help prepare students of Tai Chi Chuan for its unique fighting style.


with Caroline Clear
(Maryville, Tennessee)

Saturday (TBA)

Light Force Applications of Tai Chi

Class day / time: TBD

The martial art of Tai Chi Chuan is famous for its Effortless Power. The popular quote from the Tai Chi Classics says that "Four Ounces Moves One Thousand Pounds."

In this workshop we will explore this concept with several drills (with safety in mind!) that will give participants a hands-on understanding of this "Light Force" principle in action. Any student of Tai Chi – from Beginner to Advanced – will gain understanding and skill with using minimum force for maximum power! 

Chris Walsh
(Hallowell, Maine)

Class TBD

Class day / time: TBD

Dr. Chad Bailey, A.P.
(Miami, Florida)


with Dr. Chad Bailey, A.P.
(Miami, Florida)

Class day / time: TBD

Standing Practice for Warmups

Class day / time: Saturday 9:00am - 10:00am

When we talk about "Standing Practice," it is in contrast to doing Forms such as Tai Chi Chuan or Qigong sets. A standing practice generally looks pretty static to an outside observer. A posture is taken and held. But what else is going on? What is the purpose of a standing practice, and how do we benefit?

This class will be a space for people to find out more about standing practices, and how to incorporate them into your routine.

Sheila Bell
(Guanacaste, Costa Rica)

Art Donn
(Greenbelt, Maryland / Washington DC)

Breath for Health and Healing

Class day / time: Saturday 10:00am - 11:00am

We will begin with a brief overview of the Clear Fa Kung Healing method, and some of the principles that make it so effective. Then we will look at two of the specific Breathing Techniques that we use to facilitate healing. We will explore the process and uses of "Whole Body Breathing" for overall health, as well as "Local Body Breathing" to heal specific ailments and injuries. 

(Las Catalinas,
Costa Rica)

Go Fast to Go Slow

Class day / time: Saturday 11:00am - 12:00pm

Tai Chi is known for practicing very slowly. Students are told that someday all this slow practice will help them to stay correct when they go fast.

There is wisdom and value in this method, but there are also many benefits to be had from going Fast even as a beginner. In this workshop, we will explore ways that adding Speed can enhance Tai Chi training for beginner and intermediate students.

Harry Legg
(Verona, New Jersey / NYC)

Rapid Deployment of Tai Chi Applications

Class day / time: Saturday 12:00pm - 1:00pm

For beginners, the quality of Form often improves dramatically when the student learns a few martial applications for each of the moves.

To progress in the Art, it is important for students to know a much wider variety of applications, and to be able to use them at speed. Students develop a deeper understanding of Tai Chi Form practice when they can "rattle off" ten or more applications for every move.

This workshop will help you to develop this "Rapid Application" mindset. We will go through the training process with one movement from the Tai Chi Form. You will leave with the tools (and hopefully the motivation!) to repeat the process for every move in your Form, and even new moves that you may learn in the future.

Mark Michaud
(Lansing / Grand Rapids, Michigan)

Everyday Applications of Tai Chi

Class day / time: Saturday 2:30pm - 3:30pm

The benefits of Tai Chi are starting to become known in the West. Reputable universities are conducting experiments that reveal some of the health benefits. 

This information is working its way into our society. However, there is a tendency to see Tai Chi as a practice, instead of a lifestyle. Too often, we leave our Tai Chi in the classroom, when we could easily be incorporating it into everyday life.

This class will demonstrate how to apply your Tai Chi to the physical and mental activities in your everyday life.

Everyday Applications of Tai Chi

with Mark Michaud
(Lansing / Grand Rapids, Michigan)

Class day / time: TBD

The benefits of Tai Chi are starting to become known in the West. Reputable universities are conducting experiments that reveal some of the health benefits. This information is working its way into our society. 

However, there is a tendency to see Tai Chi as a practice, instead of a lifestyle. Too often, we leave our Tai Chi in the classroom, when we could easily be incorporating it into everyday life.

This class will demonstrate how to apply your Tai Chi to the physical and mental activities in your everyday life.

Standing Practice for Warmups

Sheila Bell
(Guanacaste, Costa Rica)

Saturday (TBA)

When we talk about "Standing Practice," it is in contrast to doing Forms such as Tai Chi Chuan or Qigong sets. A standing practice generally looks pretty static to an outside observer. A posture is taken and held. But what else is going on? What is the purpose of a standing practice, and how do we benefit?

This class will be a space for people to find out more about standing practices, and how to incorporate them into your routine.

Breath for Health and Healing

Art Donn
(Greenbelt, Maryland / Washington DC)

Sunday (TBA)

We will begin with a brief overview of the Clear Fa Kung Healing method, and some of the principles that make it so effective. 

Then we will look at two of the specific Breathing Techniques that we use to facilitate healing. We will explore the process and uses of "Whole Body Breathing" for overall health, as well as "Local Body Breathing" to heal specific ailments and injuries. 

Structure for the Arms

Class day / time: Saturday 3:30pm - 4:30pm

Clear Tai Chi begins with developing "Structure" through the whole body. This gives us integrity from body shape, rather than tension.

When applying Tai Chi skills, it is important to keep this same shape and integrity in the arms. This workshop will begin with the Hold the Bowl shape, and we will practice keeping this shape and integrity while moving through the many Tai Chi postures. 

(Knoxville, TN)

Sweeping Motions in Tai Chi

Class day / time: Saturday 4:30pm - 5:30pm

This workshop will feature the use and applications of the "Sweeping" motions in Tai Chi Chuan.

In this session Sigung Clear will teach applications of Large Sweeping Movements for Countering Strikes, Escaping Holds & Grabs, and Performing Take Downs & Throws.

Nei Gong: The "Internal Work" of Tai Chi

Class day / time: Sunday 9:00am - 10:00am

Nei Gong means "Internal Work."

In Clear Tai Chi, we use a short Nei Gong "set" as a long-term process to internalize Tai Chi skills. This workshop is a crash course in that process.

Using the Clear Nei Gong set, we will discuss the important Physical (Li Gong) and Energetic (Qi Gong) aspects of the set. We will also explore how the process develops Mind Skill (Yi Gong) and truly Internal Power (Jin Gong).

Matt Holker
(Maryville, Tennessee)

Phil Coyle
(Chappaqua, NY)

5 Element Theory in Tai Chi

Class day / time: Sunday 10:00am - 11:00am

5 Element Theory is a critical part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, yet it is often overlooked in Tai Chi training.

This workshop will give students a functional exposure to classical 5 Element Theory, as well as several practical ways to use the 5 Elements in and with the Art of Tai Chi.

Fighting Footwork of Tai Chi Chuan

Class day / time: Sunday 11:00am - 12:00pm

This workshop will cover specific applications of the "obvious" Tai Chi footwork, as well as unique drills for becoming an expert stepper!

Ty Talbert
(Los Angeles, California)

Fighting Footwork of Tai Chi Chuan

Ty Talbert
(Los Angeles, California)

Sunday (TBH)

This workshop will cover specific applications of the "obvious" Tai Chi footwork, as well as unique drills for becoming an expert stepper!

Structure for the Arms

(Knoxville, TN)

Class day / time: TBD

Clear Tai Chi begins with developing "Structure" through the whole body. This gives us integrity from body shape, rather than tension.

When applying Tai Chi skills, it is important to keep this same shape and integrity in the arms. This workshop will begin with the Hold the Bowl shape, and we will practice keeping this shape and integrity while moving through the many Tai Chi postures. 

5 Element Theory in Tai Chi

Phil Coyle
(Chappaqua, NY)

Class day / time: TBD

5 Element Theory is a critical part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, yet it is often overlooked in Tai Chi training.

This workshop will give students a functional exposure to classical 5 Element Theory, as well as several practical ways to use the 5 Elements in and with the Art of Tai Chi.

Nei Gong: 
The "Internal Work" of Tai Chi

with Matt Holker
(Maryville, Tennessee)

Class day / time: TBD

Nei Gong means "Internal Work."
In Clear Tai Chi, we use a short Nei Gong "set" as a long-term process to internalize Tai Chi skills. This workshop is a crash course in that process.

Using the Clear Nei Gong set, we will discuss the important Physical (Li Gong) and Energetic (Qi Gong) aspects of the set. We will also explore how the process develops Mind Skill (Yi Gong) and truly Internal Power (Jin Gong).

Rapid Deployment of Tai Chi Applications

Harry Legg
(Verona, New Jersey / NYC)

Sunday (TBA)

For beginners, the quality of Form often improves dramatically when the student learns a few martial applications for each of the moves.

To progress in the Art, it is important for students to know a much wider variety of applications, and to be able to use them at speed. Students develop a deeper understanding of Tai Chi Form practice when they can "rattle off" ten or more applications for every move.

This workshop will help you to develop this "Rapid Application" mindset. We will go through the training process with one movement from the Tai Chi Form. You will leave with the tools (and hopefully the motivation!) to repeat the process for every move in your Form, and even new moves that you may learn in the future.


Avi Schneier
(Asheville, North Carolina)

Sunday (TBA)

Forward Thinking Tai Chi

Daniel Hill
(Phoenix, Arizona, for now...)

Dissolving Energy

Sunday (TBA)

Tai Chi training is easier (and a lot less mysterious) when you know the goals. In this workshop, we will get hands-on understanding of the first several training stages in Tai Chi Chuan.

The group will do some simple drills to see the benefits of proper Li (Body Mechanics), Chi (Energy Connection), and Yi (Mind Intent). This practice will illustrate why each stage of training is important for everything that follows. This allows students to keep their "eyes on the prize" and to take ownership of their training.

An Exploration of Chen Style Stance Work

Jared Blakesmith
(Berea, OH)

Sunday (TBA)

This Workshop will take a look at what Chen Style stances do and don't do, what are commonly misunderstood mechanics in these stances, and how they translate to internal skills.

Internal Body Skill

Class day / time: TBD

Professor Thabiti Sabahive will share Internal Body training from his extensive background in Jiujitsu.

That's right. Jiujitsu. And anyone curious about Combat Tai Chi will want to be there!

Forward Thinking Tai Chi

Class day / time: TBD

Tai Chi training is easier (and a lot less mysterious) when you know the goals. In this workshop, we will get hands-on understanding of the first several training stages in Tai Chi Chuan. 

The group will do some simple drills to see the benefits of proper Li (Body Mechanics), Chi (Energy Connection), and Yi (Mind Intent). This practice will illustrate why each stage of training is important for everything that follows. This allows students to keep their "eyes on the prize" and to take ownership of their training.

Daniel Hill
(Phoenix, Arizona, for now...)

Internal Body Skill

Sunday (TBA)

Professor Thabiti Sabahive will share Internal Body training from his extensive background in Jiujitsu.
That's right. Jiujitsu. And anyone curious about Combat Tai Chi will want to be there!

Go Fast to Go Slow

(Las Catalinas,
Costa Rica)

Class day / time: TBD

Tai Chi is known for practicing very slowly. Students are told that someday all this slow practice will help them to stay correct when they go fast.

There is wisdom and value in this method, but there are also many benefits to be had from going Fast even as a beginner. In this workshop, we will explore ways that adding Speed can enhance Tai Chi training for beginner and intermediate students.

Keynote Address and Workshop with Sigung Richard Clear

Class day / time: Sunday 2:30pm - 4:30pm

Let's be honest... this is probably going to be the highlight of the event! Always helpful, always memorable, and always clear, the Keynote Address of the Gathering will feature Clear Tai Chi founder Sigung Richard Clear.

This year the topic will focus on the "Light Force" applications of Tai Chi Chuan, which is referenced in the Tai Chi Classics as 4 Ounces Moves 1000 Pounds.

In this session Sigung Clear will use Hands-On methods to teach this principle to all participants.

Surprise Guest Teacher

And a SURPRISE Guest Instructor!!

Class day / time: TBD

The topic of the Instructor for 2024 is still to be announced.

Keynote Address and Workshop with Sigung Richard Clear

Saturday Workshop (TBA)
Sunday Keynote (TBA)

Let's be honest... this is probably going to be the highlight of the event! Always helpful, always memorable, and always clear, the Keynote Address of the Gathering will feature Clear Tai Chi founder Sigung Richard Clear.

This year the topic will be the use and applications of the Sweeping motions in Tai Chi Chuan.

In this session Sigung Clear will teach applications of Large Sweeping Movements for Countering Strikes, Escaping Holds & Grabs, and Performing Take Downs & Throws.

Unbending Jin

Learn unbending Jin. Discover the quality of unbending arm that leads to unyielding body. Put power in your form by utilizing unbending jin through your internal structure. Learn how unbending jin enables the moves of the form to capture your opponents structure and unbalance them with minimal effort.

Ting Jin & Awareness in Yourself and Others



Using Sonar to Develop Ting Jin

Learn how to develop sensitivity by bouncing subtle energies into your opponent and seeing how you and they respond. We will start with gross mechanics and end up very subtle and internal. 

It will culminate with simply noticing how internal changes in yourself show you different information in yourself and your opponent.

Waving Goodbye to The Double Weighted Error (and Your Partner)


We’ll develop wave in both solo practice and applying it in push hands. We’ll worktoward perpetuating the wave through every joint and passing it seamlessly onto your opponent. 

Exercises in proper receiving of an incoming wave will make obvious and help fix the double weighted error.

Chi Na vs. Internal Chi Na. What’s the difference?


Chi Na = Grabbing & Seizing (joint locks, grappling etc)
Everyone has a Chi Na move!

Self Defense Class Participants
-Traditional Martial Artists 
-Mixed Martial Artists 
-Law Enforcement 

From this workshop, practitioners will learn (and be able to show) the difference between external and internal using Chi Na. 

Included will be how to use Chi Na techniques that folks already know and teach them how to do it better, faster and with less effort using internal chi na.  

The Power of Breath


In this workshop you’ll learn how to put your mind in everypart of your body and breathe through it. If you already know how to do this, you’ll learn how to convey this concept to other practitioners and we’ll use Master Clear’s Internal Push Hands to gauge your breath – this will increase your ting jin (listening energy). 

  • ​Feel how whole body breathing helps to loosenyour body and any tight joints you may have.
  • ​Learn breath techniques for relieving pain inyourself and in others.
  • ​Discover how this breathing gives you even moremartial power.

Intro to Silk Reeling, Dan Tian Rotation & Applications

Silk reeling exercises are a set of movements used by Chen Style Taijipractitioners to build a body that is relaxed, connected and able to emit power from the ground and out to the extremities. These movements use spiraling through the limbs and rotation of the body’s center, known as the lower Dan Tian. 

This set was developed by my teacher Sifu Tony Wong which uses movements he learned from the late Grandmaster Feng Zhiqiang and the representative of Chen style Taijiquan, Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang. 

In an introduction to silk reeling we will take a look at some of these exercises and 
explore why they are great for the major joints of the body and how they can
be applied in push hands and martial application.

Clear's Internal Push Hands for Power... and MOBILITY!


Having trouble getting your internal power gains to cross over from push hands tosparring? 

That means that you're probably playing push hands while double weighted, and a big cause of being double weighted in push hands is bad Zhong Ding. During this seminar, we'll talk about common ways people use small leans to stabilize during push hands, the combat and health problems associated with it, and how to fix it. 

Fixing this common error will help put you on the road to soft, effortless power that can also MOVE.

Tickets: $365

Admission Includes T-Shirt & Meal Ticket*
(*T-shirt is included with registration before April 30th)


Airport Hilton

This is the location of our event! 
Get a discount, stay on site, and enjoy the entire Gathering experience. 
(Most Recommended. Even Sigung Clear will have a room here during this year's event!)

Quality Inn

One of the more affordable hotels located right beside MgGee Tyson Airport, and a very short drive / Uber from the venue. (We do not recommend trying to walk across the very busy highway between this hotel and the event venue)

Holiday Inn Express

Mid-priced Hotel located right beside McGee Tyson Airport, and a very short drive / Uber from the venue. (We do not recommend trying to walk across the very busy highway between this hotel and the event venue)
Copyright © 2019-25 || Clear Tai Chi - All Rights Reserved